
The Prince’s Rainforest Project

A close-up of a jaguar

SOS - rainforests need your help now

At the Bigger Picture we recognise the link between tropical deforestation and climate change. Even though tropical forests might seem a long way away, they play a vital role in all of our lives.

Making rainforests worth more alive than dead

The Prince’s Rainforest Project (PRP) was set up by HRH The Prince of Wales and seeks to make rainforests worth more alive than dead. The PRP works with governments, businesses and non-profit organisations to find solutions to deforestation. At Sky we share the aims of the PRP and Jeremy Darroch, our CEO, is a member of the PRP Steering Group.

The PRP has launched a worldwide awareness campaign to improve understanding of the link between rainforests and climate change and the need for urgent action to stop deforestation.


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