
Calculate your Carbon Footprint

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Each and everyone of us can help to reduce climate change

We’re all responsible for producing CO2 just from our day-to-day activities. Imagine the energy we use in a day: heating the water for a shower, boiling the kettle and making toast, driving to school or work, lighting our classrooms or offices - and that’s just the morning! If 60 million of us in the UK are doing the same, that adds up to quite an impact.

The Sky Carbon Calculator shows you how much CO2 you and your family produce in your home and through your travel.

Once you’ve worked out your footprint, the calculator then suggests simple ways to reduce your CO2 and how much you’ll save by making these changes.

The thought of climate change can be quite daunting. But making a difference can be simple. The Sky Carbon Calculator shows how simple changes can make a difference. If we all make small changes, collectively we can make a big difference to the UK’s impact on climate change.

Please click the link below to start calculating your emissions.


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